Learn to use a GCC laser engraving machine to create 3D animal models from eco-friendly MDF. By editing images and using laser cutting technology, you can produce small batches with diverse designs. The GCC laser engraver offers high precision, efficient
透过GCC S400 雷雕机,我们可以透过不同的参数设定创造出独一无二的宠物小屋,将您的巧思和创意融入个人化客制化之中,少量多样生产,创造高附加价值产品。
使用 GCC LaserPro 创造性地庆祝圣诞节! 使用先进的 S400 激光雕刻机客制化节日装饰品,打造独特的节日设计。
PA Material 产品组合包括用于培训中心的门禁卡、钥匙圈、磁钩和 NFC 相关应用。
E200 是GCC 新的LaserPro 专业级雷射雕刻机,包含先进的功能,具有人性化的设计和出色的作品呈现。
GCC RX II-CR配备了双刀架,装载压痕工具和刀片,可对卡纸、铜板纸、西卡纸、美术纸等纸张进行压痕和半切/全切割应用。
GCC电脑割字机在PVC 薄膜切割方面的工作非常完美。在手机装饰市场占有极大市场占有率的手机壳彩绘和水钻装饰都是耗时耗力的手工艺。
This week's GCC LaserPro Application Lab demonstrates the effect of Bridge Cutting with a uncomplicated sample.
How to use GCC laser engravers to engrave unique patterns on a plain outlet plate and how it works to turn an ordinary outlet plate into a delicate finishing touch to your home decoration.
How to use our laser engraver to engrave special patterns on a commonly seen door handle and how it works to turn an ordinary handle into a personalized decoration.
LaserPro Application Laboratory introduces the use of the built-in Dithering Matrix function in the driver to create a hollowed-out lampshade.
The Application Laboratory obtained 1.2mm thick cardboard for the experiment. By utilizing laser cutting and engraving, they created three-dimensional models.
Cutting MDF panels generates smooth uniform cut edges due to the material’s structure.
The UV printer will first print a color pattern and then cut it utilizing both the Bridge Cutting and SmartCENTER functions of the laser engraving machine, which ensures that the cut object remains intact and is easier to organize.
GCC JF-240UV printer采用高性能直喷叠墨技术,可针对不同设计内容如数字、字母、符号、图象设计局部增加堆栈效果。
本月份GCC JF-240UV 应用实验室特地为您介绍薄膜按键面板应用。
本月份GCC JF-240UV 应用实验室特地为您介绍PVC 卡片的应用。
使用GCC JF-240UV 叠墨技术,不仅增加 ADA (Braille Sign) 应面性,也增加商品的精巧制作工艺,呈现 Braille Sign +Color 的设计与风格须求。
透过叠墨技术建造的ADA标志是具有 "凸起 "印刷效果的标志,已在号志、电梯和许多其他地方得到普遍使用,使盲人和视力障碍者受益,确保他们的安全和保障。