THERMARK Applications
Using the CO2 laser to engrave on metals is practicable, as in our previous Showcase we had already exhibited applications using the CO2 laser to engrave on metals.
Make a Lampshade with Dithering Matrix Function
LaserPro Application Laboratory introduces the use of the built-in Dithering Matrix function in the driver to create a hollowed-out lampshade.
Cardboard Model with laser Engraving & Cutting
The Application Laboratory obtained 1.2mm thick cardboard for the experiment. By utilizing laser cutting and engraving, they created three-dimensional models.
GCC LaserPro应用实验室引入了空白相片集,并使用激光雕刻机在这些空白皮革材料的封面上雕刻独特的图像。
3D Engraving on Marble
It utilizes different grayscale layers to generate varying laser energy, creating fascinating depth and shading effects. Anyone who has seen a 3D sample would undoubtedly be impressed by its stunning results.
Laser-Cut Wooden Miniatures
Cutting MDF panels generates smooth uniform cut edges due to the material’s structure.
Creating 3D Puzzles Using GCC Products
The UV printer will first print a color pattern and then cut it utilizing both the Bridge Cutting and SmartCENTER functions of the laser engraving machine, which ensures that the cut object remains intact and is easier to organize.
GCC JF-2418UV应用实验室为您介绍陶瓷版印刷
JF-2418UV UV DTF 打印
JF-2418UV UV DTF打印让您可以直接将打印图像转印到承印物上,不受厚度和不平整表面的限制。
DTF 马克杯、保温杯、铁盒应用
GCC JF-2418UV 应用实验室特别为您介绍了GCC 专门开发的浮雕印刷工艺在马克杯、随行杯和金属盒上的DTF应用。
DTF 转贴到玻璃杯和奶精瓶上的应用
GCC JF-2418UV 应用实验室将特别介绍DTF(直喷薄膜)在玻璃杯和陶瓷奶精瓶上的技术应用。